Crop Farming and Food Consumption in Seville According to Fiscal Indicators (1476-1513)
Olive oil; Vegetables; Wine; TaxesAbstract
This paper analyzes the sale and consumption of olive oil, fruits, vegetables and wine in the city of Seville at the end of the Middle Ages. For this, fiscal indicators are used, such as the income from the alcabalas and other taxes that, such as the almojarifazgo, they affected to the sale of such food and raw materials. It is an indirect way to know the supply and demand of goods, but practically the only one possible for the pre-industrial period. With the amounts of the leases of the levies that fell on each product, tables and graphs have been prepared that allow evaluating the evolution of the local market, and relating its profitability with the increase in demand, due to population growth or disposable income, well as by the increase in crops and as a function of conjunctural factors, such as plague epidemics, wars, currency devaluations and other. In conclusion, in the period studied, there is a clear rise in the oil of olive sales tax, motivated by better management of its collection and with a greater production of soap in the city. While those of fruits and vegetables and that of wine attended more to the demographic expansion and the putting into exploitation of the lands of the peri-urban environment.
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