Woman and Religion in the Limits of the Celtic and German World, in Roman Times (1st c. BC–3rd c. AC): a Brief Note
A review of the role (dark and little known) of the woman and her relation by the religious aspects of the Celtic and German world in Roman epoch is done in this article. The lack of direct testimonies forces to effect, necessarily, a peripheral analysis, given that the principal references refer to the Druidism and the Druids, staying the role of the woman reduced, in any case, to mere fortune-teller or simple prophetess.
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How to Cite
Pitillas Salañer, E. (2015). Woman and Religion in the Limits of the Celtic and German World, in Roman Times (1st c. BC–3rd c. AC): a Brief Note. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie II, Historia Antigua, (27), 197–206. https://doi.org/10.5944/etfii.27.2014.14192