Disputes on the implementation of the protocol in the institutional events


  • Olga Casal Maceiras




protocol, ceremonial, act, event, institutional relations, communication


During the celebration of an act there are multiple forms of nonverbal communication, all of which, taken together, contribute to the transfer of institutional message. From the management of guests and symbols chosen to stage design or configuration of a presidency, all the factors involved in the event provide meanings and contents, coded so that they can be perfectly understood by social recipients. The protocol and ceremonial make it possible for -intangibles institutions on their own nature- become something visible and perceptible through the events organized.

But it is in the application of these protocol factors where disputes arise as a result of a colorful interpretation of the rules and customs surrounding the protocol: the manipulation of state symbols for various purposes, the controversy aroused by the presence of religious symbols in takeovers or the disputes because of the precedence of some authorities in other public events are just a few examples. They reveal the expressive force of the protocol and ceremonial instruments of nonverbal communication between the government and citizens, as they translate the institutional message in a plastic and communicatively very effective way.


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How to Cite

Maceiras, O. C. (2017). Disputes on the implementation of the protocol in the institutional events. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 4(7), 27–42. https://doi.org/10.5944/eeii.vol.4.n.7.2017.19973


