Publication Standards
The Psychotherapy Magazine publishes in Spanish and English works carried out with methodological rigor and that contribute to progress in the field of clinical psychology and psychotherapy. The journal publishes original and unpublished articles of a scientific nature that encompass a wide variety of relevant research, review, theoretical/methodological contributions or case studies from the clinical and psychotherapeutic field . The Psychotherapy Magazine is aimed at researchers, academics and professionals, especially from the Ibero-American community, with the general objective of serving as a bridge between these areas and transferring evidence-based knowledge.
The article publishing process is free .
Article Template
Submitting jobs
1. Manuscripts must be sent through the journal's website: (Submission – send: ).
2. The works must be original. Those articles that have been totally or partially published elsewhere will not be accepted, as well as articles that are in the process of publication or have been sent to other journals for review. It is assumed that the people who appear as authors agree to this point, and that those who appear as contact person consent to this.
3. The journal follows a “double-blind” review policy, meaning that both authors and reviewers are anonymous during the review process. To this end, manuscripts should not contain any information that could allow the identification of the authors. The Editorial Board will carry out an initial review of the manuscripts to ensure that it conforms to the objectives of the journal. If this is the case, each manuscript will be sent to at least two independent reviewers who will assess its scientific quality. The Editorial Board is responsible for the final decision on whether or not to accept the work for publication.
4. The authors will suggest three people they consider relevant as reviewers of the article, clearly indicating their institutional affiliation, as well as the motivation for suitability as reviewer, email address. The authors may also indicate those people who, for any reason, do not wish to participate as reviewers of their work.
5. The manuscripts will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee to assess their relevance. Articles must adhere to the journal's writing standards and editorial approach. Reception of the manuscripts will be confirmed immediately and, within 10 business days, the person sending it will receive a notification informing them of the Editorial Committee's decision to begin or not the review process.
6. Original manuscripts may be sent in Spanish or English. If the manuscript is sent in English, the second language will be Spanish; and vice versa.
7. Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce copyrighted material. The authors must also declare any possible conflict of interest.
8. In the event that the article is accepted for publication, the authors transfer the copyright to the journal, so the rights to print or reproduce in any way belong to the Revista de Psicoterapia, who will not deny any reasonable request. of the authors to reproduce their work.
9. The opinions expressed in the works are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not reflect in any case the opinions or scientific policies of the journal.
10.The activities described in the published articles must follow accepted ethical standards, whether in reference to human beings or animals. (e.g., World Medical Association , Declaration of Helsinki, American Psychological Association ), as well as the applicable local regulations for the protection of personal data. The authors will be responsible for providing interested readers with copies of the raw data, procedure manuals, scores or any other relevant material without undue restrictions.
11. We suggest that the authors of published works that have been carried out with research data that includes the variable sex, report on whether possible differences between sexes have been taken into account when drawing their conclusions.
12. The Journal of Psychotherapy urges authors to deposit complementary material, at least the research data underlying the publications, in open access institutional or thematic repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
13. For any questions or clarifications, the magazine can be contacted through the email address
Manuscript Preparation
1. The maximum length of articles is 7,000 words (including the title, abstracts , keywords, in-text citations, figures and tables). The 7,000 word limit does not include the list of bibliographic references.
2. Manuscripts must be sent in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman font size 12 points , in a single column, pages with a 3cm margin and numbered in the upper right corner, paragraphs with left alignment and double spacing (except for tables and figures , which can take space of 1).
3. Remember to include your first and last name on the platform as you want it to be cited (a last name, last names joined by a hyphen, etc.), taking into account the importance of this aspect for future citations of your article.
4. To guarantee anonymity, only the title of the article in English and Spanish, the abbreviated title and the total number of words should appear on the first page of the manuscript . The names of the authors should not appear. APA 7th ed. regulations must be followed . for capitalization in titles ( title case ). This means that all nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and any other word with four or more letters must begin with a capital letter.
5. abstracts will be included (in Spanish and English) along with 5-7 keywords, that is, descriptors of the article that promote its dissemination in search engines. Keywords must not appear in the title (duplicity). Abstracts will be between 150 and 200 words and should be structured as follows: Background/objectives, Method , Results and Conclusions. Avoid generic terms or stop words (pronouns, adverbs, etc.), as well as redundant words such as analysis, description, research , etc. The use of nouns is recommended. The keywords will be used to index the article.
6. On the third page the article will begin with its introduction . This introductory section will not begin with the heading “introduction” nor will it have subsections. The introduction will end with the statement of the problem. After this, in empirical articles, in the “Method” section, the following subsections must be included: “Participants”, “Instruments”, “Procedure” and “Data Analysis”, and not others or in a different order, and without any other title. Pay special attention to APA regulations regarding the presentation of statistical and mathematical results in the text. “Discussion” section must be included , which will include both the discussion and the conclusions of the work.
7. Indicate the sources of financing, before the “References, in a section with the heading “Financing” , clearly specifying the financing agency or institution and, in parentheses, the aid code. If the work did not receive any funding, please write before the references section the following: “This work did not receive specific funding from public, commercial or non-governmental sector agencies.”
8. The Journal of Psychotherapy does not accept footnotes, annexes or appendices. Please include this information in the body of the article and provide a web link to access additional information of interest.
Authors may provide supplementary material if they consider it relevant for the evaluation and possible subsequent publication of their work. This supplementary material may include images, tables, graphs, text appendices (e.g., in the case of intervention or evaluation protocols), and/or database files. Authors must mention this content in the manuscript, stating that it is provided as supplementary material. These materials will be uploaded through the journal's management system, and their file names must correspond to the title given in the manuscript. The limit on supplementary materials is 5 per work. Therefore, if you consider that some of these materials can be included in the manuscript without losing quality (e.g., in the case of images or graphs), it is recommended that they be included. Images and graphs must be submitted in .png or .jpg format. Tables and/or protocols must be sent in a .doc file, and databases in .sav or .xsl files.
9. Articles must be written following APA 7th ed. regulations. from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Manuscripts that do not follow these rules will be returned to the authors. Some of these standards are summarized below:
Bibliographic citations in the text must include the author's last name and the year of publication (in parentheses, separated by a comma). If the author's name is part of the narrative, the year will be indicated after it in parentheses. If there are three or more authors, only the last name of the first author will be indicated followed by “et al.” and the year; In case of possible confusion, add the following authors until the work is correctly identified. The complete bibliographic reference at the end of the manuscript must include all the authors signing the article (up to a maximum of 20 authors). When you cite several authors in parentheses, you should order them alphabetically. To cite more than one work by the same author(s) from the same year, add as many letters a, b, c, as necessary, repeating the year (e.g., 2021a, 2021b, 2021c).
The list of complete bibliographic references at the end of the article must be ordered alphabetically following the following rules:
a) Books: author (last name, comma, first name initials and period); if there are several authors, separate them with a comma; before the final author use a comma and “and”; year (in parentheses) and period. Full title in italics and full stop. Editorial. For example:
Lezak, M., Howieson, d. B., & Loring, d. W. (2004). Neuropsychological assessment (4th ed.). oxford university Press.
b) Book chapters with multiple authors, conference summaries and similar: author(s); year; title of the cited work, followed by “In”, the director(s), editor(s) or coordinator(s) and in parentheses Ed./Eds.; title of the book in italics and the pages of the aforementioned chapter in parentheses; editorial. For example:
of wit, H., & Mitchell, S. H. (2009). drug effects on delay discounting. in g. J. madden & W. K. Bickel (Eds.), Impulsivity: The behavioral and neurological science of discounting (pp. 213-241). American Psychological Association.
c) Magazine articles: author(s); year; article title; full name of the journal in italics, volume number in italics, number in parentheses without space between it and the volume; number of the first and last page of the article. The DOI must be included in URL format. For example:
Yus , I., Guillén-Riquelme, A., and Quevedo-Blasco, R. (2023). Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of psychological interventions in refugee minors [Meta- analysis on the efficacy of psychological interventions in minor refugees ]. Ibero-American Journal of Psychology and Health, 14 (1), 26-39.
For works that do not have a DOI, it is not necessary to include “retrieved from”; instead, indicate the URL directly. For example :
Walker, TO. (2019, November 14). Germany avoids recession but growth remains weak . BBC News.
e) Pay special attention to APA standards 7th ed. when citing works presented at conferences, doctoral theses and software , as well as the use of acronyms in the text and in the references section.
f) When the original version of the cited work (book, chapter or article) is not in English, you must cite the original title and, in square brackets, the English translation (without leaving space with the original title and without using italics).
e) For more information and other possible cases, see the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual, or go to this link .
10. Figures and tables should be included at the end of the manuscript, one per page. These must also follow the APA regulations 7th ed., be appropriately numbered and cited in the text, indicating where you want them to be reflected later. Tables and figures must have a width of 7 or 14 cm and have clear and legible letters and symbols. Avoid white space and make the best use of space.
Figures must be included in an editable format, consistent with the format of the rest of the article. If this is not possible, they will be inserted with a minimum image resolution of 300 dpi.
11. Guide consultation: We encourage authors to consult the following guides when preparing their manuscripts (although, given the nature of the journal, it is not mandatory, but recommended):
- Case analysis – CARE.
- Diagnostic accuracy – STARD.
- Observational studies – STORBE, MQCOM (Chacón et al., 2019) or GREOM ( Portell et al., 2015).
- Studies with randomized control group – CONSORT.
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis – PRISMA (Page et al., 2020).
- Test adaptation – Guide of the International Test Commission.
- Test development – Ten steps for developing a test (Muñiz and Fonseca, 2019).
Article publication
1. The Journal of Psychotherapy is an “open access” journal . All works are available free of charge for all those who wish to read or download them.
2. Conditions for saving “pre- prints ” : the pre-publication of an article (before submission to publication) can be shared at any time and place. Sharing a pre-published article on, for example, a pre- print server , will not be considered pre-publication. That is why , prior to the final publication of the work, authors are encouraged to store and share their pre- print version of the article on their personal or institutional website, social networks, servers, citation managers, etc Once the final version is published, if the pre- print version is still available in a repository, the following clarification must be added: “This is the electronic version of a work published in the Revista de Psicoterapia (year). The final version is available on the official website of the journal” and, preferably, show the complete reference of the published article, including its DOI.
3. Conditions for storing post- prints : revised versions of accepted articles will be available in PDF format on the RIPS website, in the “Press Articles” section.
4. Authors are encouraged to share the “post- print ” version (appropriately cited) or the final version of their work on their social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), university servers and/or or public servers (Mendeley, Cosis , etc.), scientific social networks ( ResearchGate ,, Kudos , etc.), personal and institutional websites, blogs, Google Scholar , ORCID, Publons , ScopusID , etc.
5. ll works published in the Journal of Psychotherapy are licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license.
6. preliminary PDF attached and the report of those errors that must be corrected. These must be reviewed in detail to ensure that they match the original accepted article, and returned with corrections within a maximum period of 72 hours. Corrections must be made to the PDF itself, using the “add comment/note” tool. No other form of correction will be accepted (e.g. Word document, email, etc.). Since preliminary versions are created from manuscripts already uploaded electronically and accepted, substantial changes or modifications will not be accepted from this point, only changes related to errata, corrections of citations/references and inclusion of comments made by the Editorial Committee. The magazine reserves the right to modify the titles and abstracts of the works to ensure better fit, impact and dissemination .
7. The Journal of Psychotherapy provides a DOI, an international code that allows reliable and consistent access to the work at all times.
8. Once the issue of the Revista de Psicoterapia containing the article is published, the reference author will receive a copy of it in PDF.
Authorship statement
Every published multi-author article must include an authorship statement using the CRediT taxonomy.
CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a high-level taxonomy composed of 14 roles, which describe the typical functions performed by those who contribute to the production of a research article. The roles describe the specific contribution of each author to the final result.
Possible roles:
- Conceptualization
- Data curation
- Formal analysis
- Funding acquisition
- Research
- Methodology
- Administration of the project
- Resources
- Software
- Supervision
- Validation
- Visualization
- Writing – original draft
- Writing – review and editing
It is important to note that more than one role can be assigned to each author.
In the case of our journal, it should be included at the end of the article, just before the Funding and Conflict of Interest statements.
Authorship Statement
Andressa Kikuti: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, writing – original draft.
Jacques Mick: conceptualization, data curation, project administration.
Paula Melani: conceptualization, data curation, validation, writing – original draft, writing – review and editing.
For more information, you can visit the official website at
Ethical Standards
The RIPS editorial team, together with the scientific community, is committed to ensuring compliance with ethical and quality standards in the articles it publishes. The magazine has as a reference the “Code of Conduct and Good Practices” defined by the Publication Ethics Committee ( Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE) for scientific journals, the Code of Conduct of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Deontological Code of Psychology of the General Council of Psychology of Spain.
Language. Please ensure that you use appropriate and quality Spanish/English. The Journal of Psychotherapy accepts both British and American English, but not a mixture of the two.
Use of inclusive language. At the Psychotherapy Magazine we are firmly committed to equality and respect for all, recognizing and appreciating diversity. For this reason, authors must guarantee that they use non-exclusive language, avoid stereotypes and use inclusive language, respecting at all times adequate grammar, economy of language and precision, taking into account space limitations.
Responsible authorship. All authors signing the work must have made significant contributions in relation to one of the following points: (1) creation and design of the study; sample collection; analysis and interpretation of data; (2) develop the article or critically/intellectual review of the content and (3) approve the final version that is sent. The list of authors and their order of appearance should be carefully reviewed before initially submitting the manuscript. Any future incorporation, elimination or rearrangement of these must be done before the final acceptance of the article, with the approval of the RIPS Editorial Committee and with the consent of all authors. There is a form available for this upon prior request.
Scientific data. The journal recommends sharing the scientific data (observations or experiments that validate the findings) used in the study through an appropriate repository, providing a link to the published article. When any of the sharing options are chosen, remember to include the corresponding references in both the article and the reference list. In order to facilitate the replication of the research and the use of the data, the authors are recommended to indicate the code, type of software, models, algorithms, protocols, methods and any other information related to the project.
Sources of funding. After the acknowledgments section, the relevant data on the institution(s) that have provided funding for the study or the preparation of the work will be included, briefly describing the role they have played in the design of the study, obtaining the sample, the analysis and interpretation, preparation of the article or the decision to submit it for publication. If there is no funding source, please indicate it as explained in the “Preparation of the manuscript” section.
San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). The Journal of Psychotherapy , committed to open science, supports and follows this initiative to eliminate restrictions regarding the number of references that can be included in an article, not taking them into account for the total word count of the article .
Privacy statement. The names and email addresses provided to the Revista de Psicoterapia will only be used for the purposes indicated in this document. They will not be transferred to third parties or used for commercial purposes. The Psychotherapy Magazine, in relation to the protection of personal data, is governed in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, as well as the Regulation [EU]2016/679.