About the Journal
e-ISSN: 2339-7950
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Madrid, Spain
Focus and Scope
This Journal born with the name Revista de Psiquiatría y Psicología Humanista (Journal of Psychiatry and Humanistic Psychology) in 1981 (Epoch I). From 1990, the name changed by Revista de Psicoterapia (Journal of Psychotherapy) (Epoch II). Now, is a quarter journal that publish original and inedita research, reviews, theoretical and methodological contributions in the clinic and psychotherapeutic field, with an integrator approach.
Revista de Psicoterapia is published in three volumes in a year: March, July, November.
History about the Journal
From the beginning the Revista de Psicoterapia is an important diffusion media from psychological and therapeutics contributions, with a predominantly integrator approach in therapeutic field, and with a scientific special rigor in theory field.
In its first Epoch, from 1981 to 1989, with the tittle Revista de Psiquiatría y Psicología Humanista, were editors in chief: Lluís Casado Esquius (1984-1987), Ramón Rosal Cortés (1987-1989). The number 0 of journal was published in 1981, in the first National Congress of Humanistic Psychology carried out in Barcelona.
In its second Epoch, with the name Revista de Psicoterapia, it was decided to delimit the journal to clinic and psychotherapeutic field, giving a less divulgation approach and more specialized. However, at this time, the coverage, interview, bibliographic comments have been stayed in this new Epoch. This change was crystalized in the journal contents which are focused in could be called psychotherapeutic process, analysing from diverse perspectives:
-Psychotherapeutic efficacy, the relationship and the interaction in psychotherapy, the psychotherapeutic discourse, narratives and emotions in psychotherapy, deontology and ethics, transcultural psychotherapy in immigration, emotional intelligence, attachment in infant and adolescence, etc. From different perspectives, the own psychotherapy has been object of many monographies.
- Approaches and psychotherapeutic models from cognitive therapies, systemic therapy, Constructivism, Mindfulness, Eriksonian hypnosis, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, personal centred psychotherapy or transactional analysis, etc.
-Monographs studies about different psychopathologies: schizophrenia, depression, posttraumatic stress disorders, anxiety, distress, agoraphobia, eating disorders, obsessive disorders, etc.
-Specific fields of intervention: partner therapy, Information Technologies, sects, marital violence, they have completed the nuclear points of interest in the last years.
In this manner, we think to give an answer to the present interests of our readers, maintaining the own convictions that guide us from journal origin: update, openness and integration. In sump we think that Journal of Psychotherapy has been a good mirror for seeing the evolution of psychology and psychotherapy in these years. This leads us to renew our commitment for the future.
From 1990 to 2013 the editor in chief has been Manuel Villegas Besora. Almost a quarter of century of dedication to the psychotherapeutic diffusion. In 2014 the editor in chief changed to Luis Ángel Saúl Gutiérrez, who is the current editor in chief.
The group from beginning are implicated in this journal like editors, directors, and committee members. We see with satisfaction how the journal follows having success in its diffusion in these years, while maintain its quality.
Sections of Journal
The journal of psychotherapy has different sections where could be publish a manuscript:
- Monographic articles: Articles must be chosen by the monographic coordinator about a specific monographic thematic. The monographic coordinator establishes an articles series that it be published in paper and digital format and would not be publish in open access. At the same time, a call for articles is done with the monographic thematic that will pass a peer review process. These articles be published in open access.
- Free articles (out of monographic): The authors could send their original and inedita articles research, reviews, clinic and psychotherapeutics contributions from a theory and methodology perspective. These articles be published in open access.
- Clinic cases: Articles about clinical cases are admitted (single-case research). These articles be published in open access.
- Book review: Book review are admitted from recent books about psychotherapy, clinic psychology and health psychology. These articles be published in open access.
Peer evaluation process
The direction of Journal of Psychotherapy sends an email with a notification that the manuscript has been receive. In the first phase the redaction group will assess the adequation of the content of research for the editorial line and, in positive case, the work will pass a APA format assess. The author will be informed of this phase and if necessary, the necessary changes will be required. Then, the manuscript will be sending to two independent and external revisor who will judge the publish convenience. The review method, peer review, is double-masked, that guarantee the anonymous from author and reviewer. The authors will receive the reviewer and editor comments, that will inform from the decision adopted about their manuscript in 40 days from the reception.
Journal of Psychotherapy Indexation
- Bibliographics: ESCI (web of science), PsychINFO, Crossref, PubPsych, Dialnet, ISOC (CSICCINDOC), EBSCO (sociology source Ultimate), PSICODOC
Assessment of quality of journal: CIRC, DICE, IN-RECS, MIAR, LATINDEX, RESH
- Identification journal: ISSN, Ulrich´s
- Library catalogues: ARIADNA (BNE), REBIUN, CCPP (MECyD), WORLDCAT (USA)
- Repositories: Recolecta
Journal web
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