Univoscism and Monadology in Post-Avicennan Iranian Philosophy (Sadrâ al-Shîrâzii 's Ishrâqî Hermeneutics of Ibn al-`Arabî 's Gnosis and His Dicussion of Avecennan Ontology)
Eastem Islamic Philosophy, Unity and Plurality of Being, Monadology, Mullâ Sadrâ Shîrâzî,Abstract
«One» and «Many» have been many times studied both from a theologícal and from an ontological viewpoint. In the realm of Eastem Islamic Phibsophy and in the background of its Neoplatonic basical directives. Sadrâ al-Shîrâzii (ob. 1640) develops an ontological analysis of this traditional topic which differs from the one formerly displayed by Muslim Peripatetics. By adopting and continuing Ibn al-`Arabî 's gnosis and al-Suhrawardî's Oriental wisdom he discusses Avicenna's distinction between a Necessary Being and a multiplicity of possibe beings, as well as Avicenna's tendency to consider existence as accidental. Based upon the coimplication of three main concepts: isâlat al-wujûd (priority of being), wa dat al-wujûd (unity of being) and tashkîk (intensive differentiation of being), Sadrà's monadological univocism, and in general Post-Avicennan Iranian philosophy may help us to revaluate some philosophical issues which nowadays attemp to appear in a new ligh.Downloads
How to Cite
Segovia, C. A. (2002). Univoscism and Monadology in Post-Avicennan Iranian Philosophy (Sadrâ al-Shîrâzii ’s Ishrâqî Hermeneutics of Ibn al-`Arabî ’s Gnosis and His Dicussion of Avecennan Ontology). ENDOXA, 1(16), 195–209. https://doi.org/10.5944/endoxa.16.2002.5055
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