Chilean Women Exilied: An Approximation of Gender in the Memories of Exile




Exile, Woman, Memory, Chilean Exile, Coup in Chile, Popular Unity, Salvador Allende, Labor Incorporation of Women, Militancias, Political Activism


Centro Internacional de Estudios de Memoria y Derechos Humanos, CIEMEDH, España, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Chile.


The Chilean exile after the coup d’état that meant the end of the Popular Unity, pushed about 200.000 people abroad between 1973 and 1977 and a total of 400.000 people, considering the end of the sanction in 1988. A third of the exile was constituted by women, who left Chile for countries such as Argentina, Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, France or Spain after suffering persecution, repression, torture and in many cases, prison. This paper analyzes how these women lived in exile alone or with their families, under three thematic axes: the arrival in the host country, the family and affective relationships, and their militancy and political activism.


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Author Biography

Carolina Andrea Espinoza Cartes, UNED

Carolina Espinoza is a journalist with a degree in social communication at the Universidad de Concepción (Chile), Master's degree in Economic Information at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid,  Master's Degree in Information Services and New Technologies at  Universidad de Salamanca and Master's degree in Social Anthropology at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED. Since 2000 she has been living in Madrid, where she has worked as content editor for different Ibero-American Educational Television programs, ATEI and the Audiovisual Media Center of Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED. She is co-author of the documentary "La alegría de los otros" (45 minutes, 2009) about Chilean transition, author of the documentary "El tren popular de la cultura" (60 minutes, 2015) about cultural experience in government of Unidad Popular leaded by Salvador Allende; and co-author of the book "La verdad está en los hechos: 70 años de Radio Cooperativa"(DIP, 2007) about the history of one of the radios that fought against the dictatorship in Chile. She is currently a doctoral student in Anthropology at the UNED, with an investigation about Chilean exile in Spain as a result of the Pinochet dictatorship.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Cartes, C. A. (2019). Chilean Women Exilied: An Approximation of Gender in the Memories of Exile. ENDOXA, (44), 155–184.



Collective Memories: Policies, Uses and Representations