Eastern influences of the figure of Marcel Proust and precedents to a comparison between À la recherche du temps perdu and Buddhism


  • David Nava Gutiérrez Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Palabras clave:

japonism, orientalism, Iyer, Memić, Humphries, nirvana.

Agencias Financiadoras:

Jaime de Salas Ortueta, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Teresa Gaztelu Gonzalez Camino, Universidad Pontificia Comillas,


The present study looks for influences from the East in the figure of Marcel Proust. Specifically, from the philosophy that is born from the sermons of Siddhartha Gotama known worldwide as buddhism. After the publication of several articles by some commentators of À la recherche du temps perdu in which it is said that Proust and Buddha have common features, we wanted to focus on the life and work of Proust and to confirm whether the French writer was indeed influenced by these exotic truths and to culminate his work, like Buddha, in an Enlightenment. We will also bring together here the work of these Proustian commentators, since they have not previously been grouped together in a single investigation, just as their proposals on this subject have never been evaluated.


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Biografía del autor/a

David Nava Gutiérrez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctorando en Filosofía en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamente de Historia de la Filosofía, Estética y Teoría del conocimiento.

Dirección: avd. Doctor Federico Rubio y Galí, 104, 2b. cp: 28040

Telf: 678290668


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Cómo citar

Nava Gutiérrez, D. (2018). Eastern influences of the figure of Marcel Proust and precedents to a comparison between À la recherche du temps perdu and Buddhism. ENDOXA, (42), 217–238. https://doi.org/10.5944/endoxa.42.2018.22339



Ensayos en honor de María Teresa Román