Content analysis of public stigma on intimate partner violence against women in a sample of Spanish university students..
Intimate partner violence, Public stigma, Belief, Myth, Content scale, UniversityAbstract
Public stigma on intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) is still present among university students and hinders victim recovery. The aims were to: 1) Analyze public stigma in university students using content scales found in the literature, distinguishing between general negative attitudes towards IPVAW and those when asked about a known situation of violence, and 2) Determine the reliability of those scales. A sample of 37 students (age, M=25.54; SD=3.44) at the University of Seville completed a survey based on the selected content scales. Response content was analyzed. Attitudes were related to myths exonerating the abuser, the majority belief that victims' actions for recovery were detachment strategies, and a catastrophic perception of the consequences of violence. Attitudes changed after knowing a victim. Most scales were reliable (Kappa > 0.7). Stigma toward IPVAW was present, but to a lesser extent when the situation of violence was known. The implications of this study and future lines of research were discussed.
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