Analysis of quality characteristics in a sound pressure pipe: ISO10534-1:1996 applications


  • Paula Karoliny Messias Scaramussa FATEC Lins
  • Hayner Hezrom de Sousa FATEC Lins
  • Roberto Outa FATEC Lins
  • Sandro da Silva Pinto FATEC Lins
  • Fabio Roberto Chavarete Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Aparecido Carlos Gonçalves Universidade Estadual Paulista



Acoustics; rPET, Sound Coefficient, Circular Economy, Sustainability


This work aims to study rPET as a sound absorption material. For this to be done, it will be necessary to divide the work activities into two distinct stages, the first being the study of obtaining the characteristics of the experiment and, the second stage, is to acquire the information of the sound absorption coefficient. The main basis of this study arose from the concept of improvement and benefits to society, considering that the material is recycled and that it may be possible to satisfy the development of acoustic comfort to the human being. Currently many rPET activities are being applied to other needs, in this case, one of the proposals is to demonstrate to industry and trade that rPET can meet a second function considering the technical part and a possible increase in revenue to the industry. In specific, in this phase of the work, only the slap one will be presented, which is the obtaining of the characteristics of the experiment based on the iso10534-1:1996 standard.


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How to Cite

Messias Scaramussa, P. K., Hezrom de Sousa, H., Outa, R. ., Pinto, S. da S., Chavarete, F. R., & Gonçalves, A. C. . (2023). Analysis of quality characteristics in a sound pressure pipe: ISO10534-1:1996 applications. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica, 27(1), 13–25.




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