Families involvement in school: a complex question





involvement, families, educational legislation, family-school relationship


Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad


Family involvement at school is a necessity within the state educational system. Its value is crucial not only for school performance but to promote societies that are more democratic. However, in recent decades we face with a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, we consider its importance and, in theory, this is driven. On the other hand, educational legislation has led to more individualization concerning family involvement, and has reduced the role of families in some school bodies such as the School Board. This paper analyzes the situation of families’ involvement in Spain, based on educational legislation development, and counting on the results of an extensive qualitative research carried out in thirty-one centers in Catalonia, Aragon, Balearic Islands and La Rioja.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Andrés Cabello, Universidad de La Rioja

Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología por la Universidad del País Vasco, especializado en identidades colectivas, Sociología de la Educación y Sociedad y Estructura Social.

Joaquín Giró Miranda, Universidad de La Rioja

Profesor Titular de Sociología de la Universidad de La Rioja, Doctor por la Universidad de La Rioja, especialista en Sociología de la Educación.



How to Cite

Andrés Cabello, S., & Giró Miranda, J. (2016). Families involvement in school: a complex question. Revista de Evaluación de Programas y Políticas Públicas, 1(7), 28–47. https://doi.org/10.5944/reppp.7.2016.16302


