The European Union and the eventual establishment of new States emerging secession member States


  • Joan Ridao Martín
  • Alfonso González Bondia


European Union, secession, European citizenship, State succession, internal enlargement,


The creation of new states in the international arena has been several times a challenge for the European Union, and in the event that occurs within a Member State require a response to a direct and immediate consequences for this singular organization and to the other Member States. To address this issue, which is attracting increasing attention from both the public opinion of the States, as much of the doctrine, it is necessary to analyze in advance the political and legal framework that determines the action of the European Union, for, then proceed to study the two major questions that arise: can we expect some kind of action by the Union to an internal conflict involving secessionist claims in a Member State? In that case, what should be the Union response to a request for admission of a State emerged from a process of secession in a Member State?.


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How to Cite

Ridao Martín, J., & González Bondia, A. (2015). The European Union and the eventual establishment of new States emerging secession member States. Revista de Derecho de la Unión Europea, (27-28), 363–390. Retrieved from