Armed Revolutionary Action: anticolonial and antifascist discourse and practice in the twilight of the portuguese dictatorship (1970-1972)
Armed Revolutionary Action, Colonial War, Radical Left, Portugal, Political ViolenceAbstract
The main purpose of the following paper is to analyze the revolutionary experience, in an anti-colonial and anti-fascist key, that the Armed Revolutionary Action meant at the end of the Portuguese dictatorship. To this end, the article reviews the most outstanding literature on the object of study and develops a contextualization in which an incipient radical contestationary left is proliferating. In this way, a particular scenario is presented in which different experiences emerge that assume political violence in an anti-colonial key as a spearhead against the Estado Novo. Of all of them, it is the ARA that is the focus of these pages. Thus, from a review of different communiqués and documents attributed to the political arm of the Portuguese Communist Party, located in its historical archive, this work attempts to reconstruct its political discourse and revolutionary practice, especially in a particular and distinctive anti-colonial key.
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