The Sangróniz-Ponce de León tandem. The Spanish cultural action in Italy during the First Francoism (1945-1952)


  • Pablo del Hierro Universidad de Maastricht



Spain, Italy, Cultural Policy, Francoism, Sangróniz, Ponce de León


The aim of this article will be to analyze the cultural strategy carried out by both the Spanish Ambassador in Rome (José Antonio de Sangróniz) and the Cultural Attaché (Mario Ponce de León) between 1945 and 1952. This will be done in an attempt to understand the Spanish cultural action towards Italy during the first years after the end of the Second World War. At the same time, this article will evaluate the consequences of the so called «Spanish cultural action» by assessing whether it managed to change the images and perceptions which the Italian society had on Spain. In this regard, the limitations of the Spanish cultural policy will also be discussed, proving that, despite the institutional support, it did not really have clear objectives beyond the mere survival of the regime.


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How to Cite

Hierro, P. del . (2013). The Sangróniz-Ponce de León tandem. The Spanish cultural action in Italy during the First Francoism (1945-1952). Historia del Presente, (21), 9–27.