About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie V. Historia Contemporánea (ETFV) welcomes previously unpublished articles relating to Contemporary History, particularly works that provides an innovative approach, contribute to its field of research, or offer a critical analysis. Submissions in Spanish or a foreign language (preferably English or French) are open to scholars worldwide.

ETFV only considers original articles that have not already been published, nor will be published elsewhere, either partially or fully, in Spanish or any other language.

Sections Policy

The journal comprises three sections: a monographic dossier of works submitted by invitation, via proposals sent to the editorial board and via calls for papers; Miscellaneous articles received and subject to external (peer) review; and a section dedicated to  Book reviews, a part of which completes the dossier by including the latest publications on the subject of the monograph.

a.- Monographic dossier

Each issue of the journal will include a thematic dossier coordinated by a researcher selected by the Editorial Board, who at their discretion will proceed to commission contributions for the dossier or open a thematic call for papers.

Works submitted to the Dossier section will have a maximum length of 60,000 characters with spaces (approx. 25 pages), including figures, tables and bibliography.

Open submission. Peer review.

b.- Miscellaneous articles

Works submitted to the Miscellaneous Secretion will have a maximum length of 60,000 characters with spaces (approx. 25 pages), including figures, tables and bibliography.

Open submission. Peer review.

c.- Book review

Works submitted to the Book review section should have a maximum length of 9,600 characters (approx. 4 pages). ETF recommends that the content of this section should be more critical than descriptive in nature.

Open submission.

Peer Review Process

Articles in the Miscellaneous section will always be subject to external review and revision.

Articles in the thematic dossiers will always be subject to external review and revision.

ETFV uses the double blind evaluation method, which helps to preserve the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. Upon receipt of a manuscript, the ETFV editors assign the text to a member of the Editorial Board who performs an internal review in order to assess whether or not the manuscript fits in with the journal’s focus and scope and whether it is an original and relevant work. Negative decisions must be justified. If the internal review is positive, the Editorial Board member should indicate a minimum of two external reviewers from the author’s area of expertise and recommend them for the external review.

All the original manuscripts in the Monographic and Miscellaneous Dossiers will thus be revised by at least two expert reviewers, independent of the publisher, whose suggestions will be sent to the authors so that, if necessary, they can make the corresponding modifications.

The Editorial Board, on the basis of the external reviewers’ reports, will decide to accept or reject the manuscript, as well as the issue in which accepted monographs and articles will be published.  The editorial decision must be taken within a maximum of three months.

In the specific case of articles and monographs that in the opinion of the reviewers require some modification, the final decision regarding their publication will be subject to the author’s or authors’ incorporation of such modifications within a maximum of one month. Once this deadline has passed, the article or monograph will repeat the entire evaluation process. The Editorial Board can also reject an article or proposed monograph without having to send it to the external reviewers if the text is not considered to comply with the journal’s standards, quality or profile.


If you would like to be included in ETF Journal’s Reviewer Database, send your CV to revista-etf@geo.uned.es and the Editorial Board will consider it for inclusion.

Instructions for reviewers

The persons that participate in the evaluation fulfil an essential role in the process that guarantees the quality of the publication.  They assist the journal staff in editorial decision-making and contribute to the improvement of articles.

1. Confidentiality

Reviewers should regard the work under review   as a confidential document until its publication, both during and after the review process.

Under no circumstances should reviewers disseminate or use the information, details, arguments or interpretations contained in the text under review for their own benefit or the benefit of others, nor to the detriment of third parties.  Only in exceptional cases can they solicit the advice of other specialists in the field, a circumstance that should be reported to the editor of the journal.

2. Objectivity

Reviewers should provide an objective judgement of the quality of the entire work, in other words, including information   regarding the basis for   the working hypothesis, theoretical and experimental data and their interpretation, without overlooking the presentation and composition of the text.

They should be specific in their criticism, and objective and constructive in their comments.  They should justify their opinions, without adopting hostile attitudes, and respecting the author’s or authors’ intellectual independence

Reviewers should inform the Editor of any significant resemblance between the work under review and another article already published or being reviewed in another journal (redundant or duplicate publication). Similarly, they should draw attention to plagiarised, falsified, invented or manipulated texts.

3. Speed of response

Reviewers should act promptly and submit their report within the agreed timeframe, advising the Editor of any possible delays.

They should inform the Editor as soon as possible if they do not consider themselves competent to review the assigned work or in the event of being unable to complete their task within the agreed timeframe.

4. Acknowledgement of sources

Reviewers should check that authors have cited   relevant published works on the subject.   To this end, they should revise the    bibliography, suggesting the elimination of superfluous or redundant references, or the incorporation of others not included.

5. Conflict of interest

Reviewers should not agree to review a work when they have a professional or personal relationship with any of its authors that may influence their judgment of the text.

Conflicts of interest may also arise when the text under review is closely related to what reviewers are currently working on or have already published. In these cases, when in doubt, they should turn down the task assigned and return the work to the journal, indicating the reasons for this decision.

Organization Chart ETFV. Historia Contemporánea

Director of ETF. Series I-VII: Dean of the School of Geography and History at UNED.

Secretary of de ETF. Series I-VII: Deputy Secretary of the School of Geography and History at UNED.

Editorial Committee of ETF. Series I-VII: The committee is composed of the Editors of each Series and the Deputy Secretary of the School of Geography and History at UNED.

Advisory Board of ETF. Series I-VII: The board is composed of the Vice Dean of Research at the School of Geography and History at UNED, a professor from each department, and, when appropriate, the Head of each Department.

Editorial Board of ETF. Serie V. Historia Contemporánea: The Board is composed of doctors, members of the Department of Contemporary History at the School of Geography and History, UNED, and from other universities. One member serves as Director of the Board and the Editor as his or her Secretary. If the editor of the themed issue is an external scholar, the Department will invite him or her to form part of the Editorial Board for the duration of the appointment.

Committee of Experts: The committee is composed of renowned Spanish and international experts.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published annually.

In 2013, electronic publication of the journal began on this OJS platform.

The journal can publish articles approved by the Editorial Board once these have successfully passed the review and evaluation process, adding them to the table of contents of the “current" volume.

Article processing charges 

ETFV. Historia Contemporánea does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs).

Adoption CRedit Roles Taxonomy

As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent, and fair publication and peer review process ETFV has adopted the CRediT Taxonomy to describe each author’s individual contributions to the work.

CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) was introduced with the intention of recognizing individual author contributions, reducing authorship disputes and facilitating collaboration

CRediT offers authors the opportunity to share an accurate and detailed description of their diverse contributions to the published work.

The submitting author of the manuscript submission is responsible for providing the contributions of all authors at the time of submission. We hope that all authors have reviewed, discussed and accepted their individual contributions before this date. Contributions will be published with the final article and must accurately reflect contributions to the work.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate, open access to its content under the principle of providing the public with no-cost access to research, thereby promoting the exchange of knowledge on a global scale.

  • Works are published in the electronic edition of the journal under a licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional, which enables others to share the work with acknowledgement of authorship of the work and of initial publication in this journal. Works can be copied, used, disseminated, and exhibited publically, provided that: i) the authorship and original source of publication are cited (journal, publisher and URL of the work); ii) they are not used for commercial purposes.
    This work is under a licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional.
  • Licencia de Creative Commons
  • Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  • Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as to earlier and greater citation of the published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

Anti-plagiarism Policy

ETFV. Historia Contemporánea uses the anti-plagiarism tool TURNITIN to find commonalities and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources. The journal adheres to the culture of compliance and current regulations, as set out in the UNED's Public Plagiarism Information Portal.

Ethical commitment to good practices for the publication of articles

ETFV. Historia Contemporánea has subscribed to the Guide of Good Practices for publication, drawn up by the CSIC, designed to establish a code of conduct to those parties involved in the treatment and publication of scientific results: editorial board, authors and reviewers. These standards can be consulted on the journal’s website, section Good practices.

Editorial Policies on Gender Equality

ETFV. Historia Contemporánea is committed to gender policies aimed at ensuring and achieving real equality between women and men in our society. This commitment is carried out through different actions.

  • Editorial participation

The journal adopts criteria of parity and equality to ensure a balanced editorial composition between women and men in its bodies, as well as in the participation of male and female reviewers who evaluate the manuscripts received. In this sense, we apply and recommend the Equality Plan and the indications of the UNED Equality Office, as well as the Council of Europe's gender and equality strategy.  

  • Use of inclusive language

ETFV. Contemporary History recommends the use of inclusive language that recognises diversity and conveys respect for all people and promotes equality, according to the suggestions of the European Institute for Gender Equality, together with different resources for the use of non-sexist language and programmes for correcting sexist language in texts.

  • Sex, gender, race, bias in research

Papers should not make assumptions or reflect in their content that one individual is superior to another on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health status. Authors should ensure that writing is free of bias, stereotypes, jargon, references to the dominant culture and/or cultural assumptions.

Digital Preservation Policies

Digital preservation is understood as a set of processes and activities that ensure that information that now exists in digital formats is backed up and distributed to ensure continued long-term access. ETFV. Historia Contemporánea is supported by the services of the CSI (Centro de Servicios Informáticos) of the UNED, which is responsible for preservation through backups. In addition, the journal is part of the private LOCKSS network of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP-PLN): https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2340-1451. See also the LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto. The preservation policy also includes the assignment of DOIs to the journal title, each issue and article.

Interoperability Protocol

ETFV. Historia Contemporánea uses the interoperability protocol OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) for the harvesting of metadata from published content: https://revistas.uned.es/index.php/ETFV/oai.

History of the Journal

Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie V. Historia Contemporánea is a scientific journal that publishes original works on Contemporary History and related subjects. Series V operates under the aegis of the Department of Contemporary History, of the Faculty of Geography and History of the UNED. The first issue came out in 1988, with the goal of growing, improving generating science and thought, in line with the other series of Espacio, Tiempo y Forma (ETF).

Its trajectory is closely linked to that of the journal ETF. Its promotors were Professors Jesús Viñuales González and Manuel Ladero Quesada, occupants at the time of the positions of dean and secretary of the Faculty of Geography and History of the UNED. The journal’s name, in allusion to the areas of knowledge of the  Faculty, was chosen at a meeting between professors representing the different departments thereof, Eloy Benito Ruano, Antonio Bethencourt, Eduardo Ripoll, and the aforementioned Professors Viñuales and Ladero.

Its first year of existence produced seven issues, corresponding to the seven areas that comprise all the series of the journal to date: Contemporary History, Modern History. Medieval History, Ancient History, Geography, Prehistory and Archaeology, and History of Art

The original purpose of this publication was to testify to the research work of professors, tutors, pupils and individuals associated with the Faculty of Geography and History of the UNED. Over time, the journal has significantly extended its radius of action, with particular focus on the inclusion of works by external contributors that enable researchers and interested readers to broaden their knowledge with a plurality of approaches, exchange or contrast of points of view and advances in research in different disciplines.

Since its foundation, the journal has maintained a rigorous scientific line, with internal and external evaluation committees reviewing work, and in recent years has adapted to new criteria of academic quality, incorporating peer review processes. Currently, the seven series that constitute Espacio, Tiempo y Forma maintain exchanges with over 600 highly prestigious publications, both national and foreign.




School of Geography and History

Complaints and Suggestions

If you are a reader, author or reviewer and have a complaint or suggestion to make to ETF. Serie V, please send an e-mail to revista-etf@geo.uned.es. Committed to quality standards, the journal’s Editorial Board and/or Editorial Committee will respond to your e-mail.