Gold Earrings in the Form of a Dove in the Mediterranean Context (Hellenistic Period)


  • Pilar Fernández Uriel Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Rocío Gutiérrez González Melilla Monumental



Hellenistic jewelry; Trade; Symbolism; Mediterranean female divinities.


Classification, iconographic study and interpretation of a set of selected Hellenistic earrings, currently deposited in museum collections, with an approximate chronology between the 2nd-1st centuries BC, whose main characteristic and distinction is its pendant with the representation of a dove. In conclusion, it’s possible symbolic and religious interpretation is analyzed.


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How to Cite

Fernández Uriel, P. ., & Gutiérrez González, R. (2024). Gold Earrings in the Form of a Dove in the Mediterranean Context (Hellenistic Period). Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie II, Historia Antigua, (37), 113–130.


