The Resultative Sequential Periphrasis: A Contribution to the Characterization of 'llegar a + infinitive'


  • Diego Ribeira López Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)


The periphrasis <llegar a + infinitive> has received a different treatment throughout the grammatical tradition, which has fluctuated from the denial of its periphrastic nature, to its acceptance as belonging to sometimes contradictory taxonomies: aspectual periphrasis, semiperiphrasis or periphrasis equivalent to a discourse marker. In this article, we will analyze a corpus of more than 7000 periphrases in contemporary European Spanish, considering it from all linguistic perspectives, but mainly from semantic-pragmatic approaches, in order to systematize a certain discursive value. The data obtained will allow us to get closer to the understanding of this periphrasis, so that we can evaluate the convenience of ascribing them to the new categorization that we present here.


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Author Biography

Diego Ribeira López, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Diego Ribeira López completed his Ph.D. in September 2023 at the UNED (National University of Distance Education) with a thesis titled "Sequential Verbal Periphrases in European Spanish." The thesis was supervised by Alicia Yllera Fernández and Araceli Gómez Fernández, and it received the grade of "Sobresaliente Cum Laude" with the possibility of an extraordinary award.

Over the past four years, his research efforts have focused on the completion of his doctoral thesis. Concurrently, he is engaged in teaching at the secondary level, specializing in Spanish Language and Literature.

As regards teacher training, he has authored two reference books for those preparing for the teaching profession: 100 Traditional Syntax Problems and Text Commentary in Teaching Examinations.


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How to Cite

Ribeira López, D. (2023). The Resultative Sequential Periphrasis: A Contribution to the Characterization of ’llegar a + infinitive’. Epos : Revista de filología, (39), 268–293. Retrieved from