Comparative Analysis of Written Production and Comprehension Skills in ELM AND EL2/LE Spanish Teaching Materials




This article presents a comparative analysis of the treatment given to written production and comprehension in ten manuals of Spanish LM (ESO and Baccalaureate) and L2/LE (intermediate and advanced levels). The study focuses on whether these skills are interrelated in complex activities and with a variety of models, and how skills enable an integrated competence execution, because their choice determines the teaching and learning process. We conclude that this is the case in EL2/LE, a field in which global activities and tasks are related to all areas and communication skills to exercise abilities in a sequenced and interdependent way. This procedure only appears in the Project Galaxy ELM manuals. Despite the fact that all of them are focused on the communicative method, theory and exhaustive description of the linguistic system and activities of grammatical reflection predominate in the mother tongue, without regard to their practical purpose.


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Author Biographies

Pilar Ontín de la Hoz, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

María del Pilar Ontín de la Hoz has been a Secondary School Teacher specializing in Spanish Language and Literature for twenty-seven years. Throughout her career, she has taught in various public institutions in Madrid. For the past ten years, she has held the position of head of department for this subject at IES Palomeras Vallecas. She received recognition for research proficiency from the National University of Distance Education (UNED) and is currently working on her thesis on Reading Comprehension and Written Production in L1 students and non-Spanish-speaking students. Additionally, she has served as a professional teaching tutor for several years, coordinated various training projects in educational institutions, and participated in interdisciplinary international Etwinning projects. One of her works received the XIX Pedagogical Research and Didactic Experiences Award from the Official College of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Letters and in Sciences. Furthermore, she is the author of research articles related to teaching, interdisciplinary studies, and new technologies.

M.ª Antonieta Andión Herrero, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

María Antonieta Andión-Herrero holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Letters, specializing in Hispanic Philology. She is a Full Professor in the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in Spain. Her research and teaching focus on dialectology and applied linguistics in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE/L2). She has participated in projects with the Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, the Instituto Cervantes, and the Real Academia Española. Dr. Andión-Herrero has served as the Principal Investigator for research and development projects, is the director of the program "Spanish as a Second Language: Teaching and Learning," and provides training for teachers in L2 teaching methodology, L2 acquisition, and Spanish varieties. She is the author of scientific articles, specialized dictionaries, and manuals, a member of the Scientific Committee of international journals, and the director of the Collection "BIBLIOTECA DEL PROFESOR DE ELE" (Library of the Spanish as a Second Language Teacher).


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How to Cite

Ontín de la Hoz, P., & Andión Herrero, M. A. (2023). Comparative Analysis of Written Production and Comprehension Skills in ELM AND EL2/LE Spanish Teaching Materials . Epos : Revista de filología, (39), 211–245.