Protocol and law: the legality of the protocol
law, protocol, ceremonial, etiquette, legal mattersAgencies:
Grupo de Investigación Historia del Pensamiento Jurídico-Político de la UNEDAbstract
Among the legal sciences, protocol is considered to be good manners, courtesy, code of conduct, ethics, or the clothes and shoes one should wear to an event where dress code is required; something superficial, unimportant, not related to society at large, characteristic of the upper classes, rulers and diplomacy. Of course, when you say you are a protocol expert and that you do research in protocol, you will be asked “Is that law?” Ultimately, protocol is a discipline despised by jurists, who have gradually set it aside, with the exception of the diplomatic community. Diplomats are well aware of the importance of ceremonial and protocol in the international relations, and thus the Diplomatic School courses are essential when studying protocol. This study claims the protocol as a legal discipline.
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