Real site of Covadonga: a jewel for the crown




borbones, crown, Covadonga, symbology, communication


Archivo Histórico Provincial de Asturias. Biblioteca de Asturias.


Covadonga unites its historical and religious significance, a deep symbolic value in relation to the royal power, which was discovered in times of the reign of Isabel  II, and the intense communicative effect that for the dynasty could have the visit to the Royal Site . Elizabeth II, Alfonso XII and Alfonso XIII carried out visits accompanied by the princes of Asturias, and also by themselves. In all cases, religious acts were combined with the appropriate and effective communicative effect, propitiating the identification of the dynasty with the historical origins of the kingdom. The imposition of the insignia as Prince of Asturias to Felipe de Borbón in 1976, would indicate the same intention on the part of the recently established dynasty of Juan Carlos I, in need of historical legitimation and, above all, institutional.


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Author Biography

Ana María Lobeto Alvarez, Facultad de Turismo de Oviedo

Licenciada en Geografía e Historia; Experta en Protocolo y Ceremonial, Heráldica y Vexilología; Especialista en Protocolo y Ceremonial de Estado e Internacional, por la Universidad de Oviedo.

Doctoranda en Historia en Universidad de Oviedo.

Profesora de "Dirección y Operativa de Eventos" en Facultad de Turismo de Oviedo.



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How to Cite

Lobeto Alvarez, A. M. (2018). Real site of Covadonga: a jewel for the crown. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 5(8), 205–214.


