About the Journal

Focus and scope

The «Institucional Studies» Journal specializes in the dissemination of knowledge on institutional matters.

For this reason we want to bring together in these pages Historical, Legal, Political, Communicological, Protocol, Ceremonial, Relational studies... and any other point of view that allows a better knowledge of national or Supranational Institutions, although preference will be given to the fields European and Latin American

This publication is open, however, to all types of researchers, students, doctoral students, associates and professors. The objective is to offer a semi-annual publication that disseminates works of the highest quality and at the same time serves as a benchmark for the scientific community of the advances being made by young researchers from universities around the world.

Collaborators are invited to submit proposals in Spanish, Portuguese, French or English that deal with any area of Public Institutions, in themselves or in relation to other specialties. The articles, which can be sent throughout the year in accordance with the publishing regulations, will be published on the magazine's website in pdf format, and will be available for open online consultation. Two issues a year are published in June and December.

The «Institucional Studies» Journal does not charge fees for the submission of papers, nor fees for the publication of its articles.


Peer review process

The selected manuscripts will be peer-reviewed, through a "double-blind" process, by external experts from outside the Editorial Board.

  1. Receipt will be acknowledged for all submitted papers. The Editorial Board will decide whether or not to publish the works within two months following the notification of receipt, based on reports from at least two external and anonymous evaluators using the "double blind" system. For the elaboration of the reports, the external evaluators will take into account a form prepared by the Editorial Board of the Magazine.
  2. The decision on the publication or not of the article will be notified to the author, and its publication may be conditioned to the introduction of changes with respect to the original version, especially to the adaptation to the publication regulations.
  3. Articles that are rejected for not complying with the rules established for their publication may be resubmitted once the appropriate modifications have been made.
  4. It is essential for the publication of the manuscript that the author or authors assign exclusive reproduction rights to the «Institucional Studies» Journal. If there are requests from third parties to reproduce or translate articles or parts thereof, the decision will correspond to the Editorial Board.

Deadline for reviews:

  • Submitted papers will be reviewed within 4 weeks.


Publication frequency

The "Institucional Studies" Journa will be published exclusively in the months of June and December.

In the event that the volume of articles for an issue is complete, the remaining articles will be scheduled for publication in the next issue.


Open access policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Article Processing Charges

The journal «Estudios Institucionales» does not have either article submission charges or  article processing charges (APCs).


Statement on plagiarism

The author declares that this is their original work and has been written by the stated author


Plagiarism detection policy

To guarantee academic integrity in the publication, the manuscripts will be analyzed by the Turnitin anti-plagiarism tool in two moments:

When the manuscripts are received.
When they are provisionally accepted for publication, after the peer review process.

In those cases in which plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, the Revista Estudios Institucionales will follow the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).



We thank the Seeii for the continuous work of sponsorship and continuous support, as creator of the Magazine, whose edition is transferred to the GIHPJ-P of the UNED in 2017.



Backup is done using PKP Preservation Network (PN)

International ISSN https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2386-8694


Equality diversity policy

The Estudios Institucionales magazine requires the use of inclusive, respectful and stereotype-free language.

In turn, it requires that the papers report on whether the original data of the research take gender into account, in order to allow the identification of possible differences.


Magazine history

The Journal "Estudios Institucionales" is created by the Institutional Studies Society (SEEII) with the collaboration of the History of Legal-Political Thought Research Group of the UNED, currently called Institutional Studies Research Group (INSTUREG), with the purpose of disseminating the Knowledge of Public Institutions regardless of their material, temporal and geographical field of specialization.

In 2017, the Seeii ceded full control of the Journal to the History of Legal-Political Thought Research Group (GIHPJ-P), and the Group decided to integrate the publication into the repository of UNED Free Access Journals to improve the projection achieved. in the last three years.

Its online publication feature is consistent with the purpose of the Publishing Company —the dissemination of knowledge in institutional matters— and nothing better than the openness and immediacy provided by the Internet to achieve its objectives.

For this reason we want to bring together in these pages Historical, Legal, Political, Communicological, Protocol, Ceremonial, Relationship Studies... and any other point of view that allows a better knowledge of national or Supranational Institutions, although preference will be given to European environments. and Ibero-Americans.

This publication, managed by the members of the research group, is nevertheless open to all types of researchers, students, doctoral students, associates and professors. The objective is to offer a semi-annual publication that disseminates works of the highest quality and that at the same time serve as a benchmark for the scientific community of the advances being made by young researchers from universities around the world.

Collaborators are invited to submit proposals in Spanish, Portuguese, French or English that deal with any area of Public Institutions, in themselves or in relation to other specialties. The articles, which can be sent throughout the year in accordance with the publishing regulations, will be published on the magazine's website in pdf format, and will be available for open online consultation. Two issues a year in June and December.