How not to Do Things with Words and How to Do them with Silence


  • Saleta De Salvador Agra Universidad Complutense de Madrid



silencing, silences, illocutionary, speech acts, feminism


Proyecto I D "Transfugas y parias modernas, género y exclusión en la cultura popular del s. XXI ". IP, Helena González (UB). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, FEM2017-83974-P MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE 2018 - 2021


The opposite of saying and the obstacles of saying are two meanings that unite contradiction as contra-diction. Both point to two aspects of failing to do things with words and doing things with silence. From this duality, the text addresses the phenomenon of the silencing of women within the framework of feminist speech act theory and their silences using Teresa De Lauretis’ semiological film theory. To this end, we will analyze the pragmatic conditions in context, with reference to the film scenario of Twelve Angry Men, based on the conceptual tools of contemporary feminist philosophy of language.


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How to Cite

De Salvador Agra, S. (2023). How not to Do Things with Words and How to Do them with Silence. ENDOXA, (52).



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