The Materiality of the Image: Notes on the Work of David Lynch


  • Aarón Rodríguez Serrano Universitat Jaume I



Materiality, David Lynch, Cinema, Film Analysis


Universitat Jaume I


Our work explores the tensions between narration and matter in the
work of audiovisual creator David Lynch. Based on some of the most notable recent research on this subject –especially the works of the phenomenologist Català Domènech
(2019) and the philosopher Pacôme Thiellement (2020)–, we propose an approach to the problem of Lynchean matter that takes the formal analysis of discourse as its methodology. To this end, we will begin by asking ourselves about the very use of matter
that the director applies in his creations in relation to the Benjaminian concept of aura.
Secondly, the bulk of the work will consist of a chronological journey that will allow s to explore how he has evolved in his handling of the materials from three possible
stages: learning past artistic codes, the gradual breaking of these codes through the use of digital video or post-modern quotation. 


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Serrano, A. (2023). The Materiality of the Image: Notes on the Work of David Lynch. ENDOXA, (52).



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