Ventriloquism, or that «Passivity [that] Loves Itself»: Notes for Derridian Thinking about Love in «Éperons. Les Styles de Nietzsche»




Jacques Derrida, deconstruction, Nietzsche, love


Derrida’s thinking about love is not easy to be studied, apparently because the author himself has not been so clear about it. This article aims to contribute to this gap using the author’s book Éperons, which is intended to be a conference about Nietzsche. Based on an interpretation of the passages in which Derrida refers to love, we almost find always a quote from Nietzsche. This seems to characterize an act of ventriloquism
that underlies the author’s strategy. The problem arises when we
realize that Derrida does not account for the intrusion of love in the quotes he uses.
Derrida prefers to evade the problem of love because it is at the core of his proposed


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Author Biography

Alexander Masoliver Aguirre, Universidad de Chile

Magíster en Filosofía, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile.

Estudiante del programa de Doctorado en Filosofía mención Estética y Teoría del Arte, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.


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How to Cite

Masoliver Aguirre, A. (2023). Ventriloquism, or that «Passivity [that] Loves Itself»: Notes for Derridian Thinking about Love in «Éperons. Les Styles de Nietzsche». ENDOXA, (52).



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