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Melancoly and exilic temporality

Anachronistic Returns in Contemporary Spain




Melancholy, Exilic Temporality, Trauma, Modernity, Mourning


Ministerio de Educación. FPU2015/00566. Narrar la historia, recordar el trauma, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad El legado filosófico del exilio español de 1939 razón crítica, identidad y memoria (2016FFI-77009-R).


This paper aims to analyze the features of Spanish exile’s obsession with
its painful past, from the end of the Civil War to democracy. By delving further into the notion of “exilic temporality”, the contemporary debate regarding the role played by Spanish exile’s past on democracy will be addressed. The arguments developed in this debate will stemmed from a groundbreaking philosophical inquiry regarding the nature of melancholy. From this perspective, the recovery of a painful past by the exiles that returned to Spain will not be considered as an instance of a pathological and selfindulged memory. On the contrary, keeping a melancholic relation towards this past will be framed as a necessary step from which to cast a new light on Spanish transition’s deficits, with regards to the memory of victims who belonged to the vanquished side.


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Author Biography

Rafael Pérez Baquero, Universidad de Murcia

Doctor en Filosofía. Universidad de Murcia.


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How to Cite

Pérez Baquero, R. (2022). Melancoly and exilic temporality: Anachronistic Returns in Contemporary Spain. ENDOXA, (49).



El legado filosófico del exilio español de 1939