Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory: Seven or eleven categories of response? Some empirical evidence

Estudio del cuestionario de ansiedad escénica de Kenny: ¿Siete u once categorías de respuesta? Algunas evidencias empíricas


  • Francisco de Paula Ortiz Professional Conservatory of Music "Francisco Guerrero", Sevilla, Spain. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain
  • Pilar Carrillo Universidad Isabel I, Burgos, Spain
  • M. Carmen Pérez-Llantada Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain
  • Andrés López de la Llave Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain



Musicians, musical performance anxiety, assessment, K-MPAI


The objective of this work was to propose an adaptation of the Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory (KMPAI) scale for the assessment of musical performance anxiety that offers better psychometric indices (such as reliability and sensitivity) than the original scale, and that is more in line with our cognitive/cultural context. The instrument has been presented to 134 musicians in two forms: (a) the original questionnaire (with 7 response options) and (b) another with an extended response scale (with 11 anchor points). The results suggest that the adapted form (KMPAI-ERE) improves its psychometric and discriminative properties compared to the original form, and is proposed as valid for the assessment of performance anxiety. It was concluded that this form of the questionnaire can be proposed as an alternative to the original form in future research, as it allows for more precise responses in its scope.



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How to Cite

Ortiz, F. de P., Carrillo, P., Pérez-Llantada, M. C., & López de la Llave, A. (2023). Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory: Seven or eleven categories of response? Some empirical evidence: Estudio del cuestionario de ansiedad escénica de Kenny: ¿Siete u once categorías de respuesta? Algunas evidencias empíricas. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology   , 28(3), 235–244.



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