The promotion of sexual health in informal contexts and its relation with sexual knowledge and attitudes of women
Salud sexual, educación sexual, juguete sexual, actitudes sexuales, tuppersex, promoción de la salud sexual,Abstract
The objective of the study was to find out if three types of activities to promote sexual health, directed at adult women, show positive effects on sexual knowledge and healthy sexual attitudes. Two samples were selected, one comprised 22 women (M = 32.9 and SD = 7.6), who were evaluated before and after attending a sex toy party, and another of 1019 women (M = 33.09 and SD = 9.52). The participants answered the same online questionnaire on “Opinions and knowledge in relation to sexuality”. The results showed that the three studied variables (sexual education, sexual information in the media, and sex toy parties) showed a positive relationship with healthy sexual attitudes and with the sexual knowledge of the women.