Propiedades psicométricas del Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS) en una muestra de hombres y mujeres jóvenes chilenos


  • Neli Escandón Nagel Univerisdad Católica de Temuco
  • María José Baeza Rivera Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Josefa Larenas Said Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Esteban Caamaño Mardones Universidad Católica de Temuco


Palabras clave:

obsesión por la musculatura, imagen corporal, adolescencia, validación

Agencias Financiadoras:

Universidad Católica de Temuco


Drive for muscularity, although it mainly occurs in men, is also experienced by women. It is important to have instruments to measure this construct, which is the reason why the aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS) in Chilean adolescents and young adults (n = 602). The DMS and the SATAQ-4 were administered. The confirmatory factor analysis showed two factors, one representing attitudes and the other behaviors, in addition to a second-order factor. This structure had a good fit for both sexes, although for women it was necessary to remove two items. Regarding sex, men showed higher scores and, with respect to age, adolescents manifested greater drive for muscularity. For both sexes a positive correlation between the DMS and the athletic/body ideal internalization scale was observed. These results confirm that the Chilean version of the DMS has adequate psychometric properties.


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2021-08-13 — Actualizado el 2021-08-13


Cómo citar

Escandón Nagel, N., Baeza Rivera, M. J., Larenas Said, J., & Caamaño Mardones, E. (2021). Propiedades psicométricas del Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS) en una muestra de hombres y mujeres jóvenes chilenos. Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 26(2), 131–140.



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