Computational simulation of the in-chamber fluid flow in a novel rotary internal combustion engine


  • Ezequiel J. López Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
  • Norberto Nigro Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina
  • Jorge A. Toth Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina



Internal combustion engines, Computational fluid dynamics, MRCVC


In this work, the results obtained from the computational simulation of the in-chamber fluid flow in a novel rotary internal combustion engine named MRCVC (Motor Rotativo de Combustión a Volumen Constante) are presented. The MRCVC is currently at the design stage and the interest behind of its development is based on the theoretical advantages, both thermodynamical and mechanical, when it is compared with other rotary engines (e.g. the Wankel engine) and also with the classical alternative engine. The most important advantage is the fact that the combustion process could be performed at constant volume and, thus, due to the surface/volume ratio of the chamber is similar to the conventional engine, a net increment in the thermal efficiency is expected. The design of the intake and exhaust ports, which are undefined, and the charge motion into the combustion chamber play an important role for achieve an increment in the engine efficiency. Therefore, the computational simulation of the fluid motion inside the chambers of the MRCVC could give an invaluable information which is applicable to both, the design and the estimation of the engine performance.
 The governing equations are the Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows. In order to account for the deformation of the flow domain, these equations are re-written using an ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) strategy. Due to the MRCVC has a cylindrical geometry and as a first approach to the problem, the twodimensional flow over the mid-plane of the chamber was considered. The conditions at the intake and exhaust ports are assumed constant.


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How to Cite

López, E. J. ., Nigro, N. ., & Toth, J. A. . (2011). Computational simulation of the in-chamber fluid flow in a novel rotary internal combustion engine. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica, 15(2), 3–14.


