The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)


  • Roberto Ugena Torrejón


economic and financial crisis, Banking Union, SSM, Regulation 1024/2013, article 127.6 TFEU, prudential supervisory tasks, significant credit institutions, less-significant credit institutions,


This paper is aimed at giving an overview of the main legal aspects derived from the SSM. The SSM is built upon as an integrated system consisting of the ECB itself and the national competent authorities of the participating member States, being the ECB responsible for the functioning of the whole system. The SSM is regulated under the Regulation (EU) 1024/2013 which has been issued on the basis of Article 127.6 TFEU. The use of such legal basis raises several questions about the future functioning of the SSM.


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How to Cite

Ugena Torrejón, R. (2015). The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). Revista de Derecho de la Unión Europea, (27-28), 139–158. Retrieved from