Discrepancies between Spanish legislation on rail transport and European regulation: the infringement procedure against the Kingdom of Spain


  • José María Collado González


railway transport, Comité de Regulación Ferroviaria, fee for the use of infrastructure


The European Commission identified different infringements of the European Directives in Act 39/2003, on railway transport. Act 2/2011 on Sustainable Economy put an end to the infringements in relation to the Independence of the Comité de Regulación Ferroviaria. The Judgment on the European Court of Justice of 28 February 2013 has confirmed infringements related to the fee for the use of infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Collado González, J. M. (2014). Discrepancies between Spanish legislation on rail transport and European regulation: the infringement procedure against the Kingdom of Spain. Revista de Derecho de la Unión Europea, 1(25), 169–190. Retrieved from https://revistas.uned.es/index.php/REDUE/article/view/12630