Missionaries of the Americanism?: promotion and difusion of the American Studies in Spain, 1963-1975


  • Francisco J. Rodríguez Jiménez George Washington University




Spanish-NorthAmerican Cultural Relations, Cultural Diplomacy, Educational Exchange, Fulbright Program, American Studies, Soft Power


After the end of Second World War, the cultural transferences between the two edges of the Atlantic Ocean increased. The American government acted to boost and to speed up those flows. The bet for such forms of soft power entered within the cultural battle which was taking place against the Soviet Union. The number of American professors who embarked on that project, as «missionaries of the Americanness’», was high. This article describes the experiences of some of them who traveled to Spain through the Fulbright program; and their possible contributions to the spread of the American culture in the Spanish society.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Jiménez, F. J. (2011). Missionaries of the Americanism?: promotion and difusion of the American Studies in Spain, 1963-1975. Historia del Presente, (17), 55–69. https://doi.org/10.5944/hdp.17.2011.40863