Cold War and formation of the human capital during the francoism. A balance about the North American Program of Technical Aid, 1953-1963


  • Adoración Álvaro Moya Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF)



Cold War, American Model, Technical Assistance, Human Capital, National Center of Productivity, Productivity Drive


This article examines the contribution of foreign aid to the dissemination of knowledge among nations. It does so by analyzing the technical assistance program granted by the US to the 1950s Spain and its contribution to local firms’ human capital formation. The study shows that, as in other European countries before, the technical aid was a tool to spread the American business model. It is concluded that: 1) the Spanish entrepreneurs played a great role spreading this model; 2) they did not imitated it but adapted it to its specific business environment; 3) the receptivity shown regarding the foreign ideas and methods was exacerbated by the country’s relative backwardness and the business opportunities that arose around the American aid; and 4) the military and economic aid which was granted together with the technical assistance program intensified the effects of the latter.


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How to Cite

Álvaro Moya, A. (2011). Cold War and formation of the human capital during the francoism. A balance about the North American Program of Technical Aid, 1953-1963. Historia del Presente, (17), 13–25.