Places, spaces and echoes of the collective memory: post-dictatorship Chile
Chile, Pinochet military dictatorship, Memory, History, MemoriaAbstract
This article discusses from history, representation and meaning of museums, memorials and sites preserve erected for echoes of the military dictatorship that took place in Chile between 1973 and 1989. Within this framework are reviewed first, conceptual foundations of capital importance in linking the memory and history. Then, from a historical contextualization of time before the military coup of September 1973, are given keys to better understand how these echoes remain in the collective memory family, local and national levels and how Chilean society is responsible for it institutionalizes these reports. Taken as an example joint actions that have generated a series of exhibitions aimed at a heterogeneous audience you want a deeper understanding of what site was the authoritarian government of General Augusto Pinochet. The role of historians in this area is critical because it must contribute to the development of an interpretation of such events and provide an education for a better understanding of those facts in the present record, leaving for further studies.
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