From the «key year» to the «decisive year»: Hispanic-Chilean relations during the first legislature of Felipe González, 1982-1986


  • Pedro Feria Velázquez Universidad Austral de Chile



While in the Spanish elections of 1982 the Socialist Party won with a clear absolute majority, in Chile governed the Junta established after the coup d’etat of 1973. Obviously, the existence of two governments with diametrically opposed ideologies would cause a cooling of diplomatic relations, although this did not prevent relations at the level of civil society (political parties, trade unions, NGOs, etc.) to increase. The government of Felipe González will be one of those who most strongly condemns the violations of human rights by the Pinochet regime, and from Spain, a great current of solidarity with the Chilean democratic opposition started, which will manifest it-self in multiple ways: conferences, manifestations, fundraising, etc., which is explained by common cultural ties and similar historical experiences lived by both peoples throughout the twentieth century. That solidarity will be especially important in 1986, when the Chilean opposition mobilizes to bring down the dictatorship, Chile was a permanent focus of attention for Spanish public opinion and political tensions between the two governments make Spanish-Chilean diplomatic relations reach one of the lowest points in its history.


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How to Cite

Feria Velázquez, P. . (2020). From the «key year» to the «decisive year»: Hispanic-Chilean relations during the first legislature of Felipe González, 1982-1986. Historia del Presente, (36), 145–162.