Ethic code

Publications Ethics and malpractice Statement 

The Institutional Studies Journal adopts the international guidelines on ethical standards to avoid bad scientific practices (malpractice). To do this, we stablish ethical criteria for the authors, the evaluators and the editors, according to criteria established by

- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

- Wiley's Best Practice Guidelines on Publishing Ethics A Publisher's Perspective, Second Edition


Declaration of ethics and good practices

A: Publication and authorship

The papers submitted must be original, unpublished and not published or pending publication by another journal. The journal will use anti-plagiarism tools to guarantee this aspect.

All papers submitted are subject to a peer review process, by at least two national and international reviewers, with experience in the specific area of the paper to be reviewed.

The possible decisions will be: acceptance, acceptance with revisions or rejection.

If authors are asked to review and resubmit their work, there is no guarantee that the revised submission will be accepted.

Acceptance of the article is limited to compliance with current legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright and plagiarism.

No investigation can be included in more than one publication.


B: Responsibilities of the authors

The authors will certify that their manuscripts are original and their own and that they have not been previously published.

The authors agree to participate in the peer review process and are obliged to incorporate the rectifications and corrections of errors that are requested.

All authors must have contributed significantly to the research.

The authors must indicate that all the data contained in the document are real and authentic.

Authors will notify publishers of any conflict of interest.

Authors will identify all sources used in the creation of their manuscript.

Authors will inform editors of any errors they discover in the published work.


C: Reviewer Responsibilities

The reviewers will maintain the confidentiality of the information contained in the papers and treat them as privileged information.

The reviews will be carried out objectively, refraining from personal criticism of the author.

The reviewers will express their point of view clearly and with a correct argument.

The reviewers will identify those relevant works that are published that have not been cited by the authors.

The reviewers should call to inform the director or secretary of the Journal of any similarity between the manuscript submitted for review and any other published article of which they are aware.

The reviewers will refrain from reviewing manuscripts on which they have conflicts of interest with any of the authors, companies or institutions linked to the manuscripts submitted for their consideration.


D: Editors' responsibilities

The editors have all the responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article.

The editors are responsible for the content and the general quality of the publication and will guarantee the quality of the works and the integrity of the academic process.

Editors will publish errata pages or make corrections when necessary.

The editors will base their decisions about the publication of the works solely on the importance, originality, clarity and relevance to the scope of the publication.

The editors will not reverse their decisions or revoke those made by previous editors without a serious and well-founded reason.

The editors will preserve the anonymity of the reviewers.

The editors will ensure that all published research material complies with internationally accepted ethical guidelines.

Publishers will act if they suspect misconduct and will make all reasonable attempts to persist in obtaining a solution to the problem.

Editors will not reject work without proof of misconduct.

The editors will not allow any conflict of interest between the staff, authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Board.