Español Political Propaganda and its cultural dissemination in Spain:

IVA ‘22 Festival. VOX España study case




politics, propaganda, events, history, Spain, communication


The Spanish’s sociopolitical and cultural situation suffered from a huge deterioration through recent past years, due to the international economic crisis started in 2008. Its political spectrum has changed from the classical bipartisanship (conformed by the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) with a centre-left ideological tendency and the Partido Popular (PP) with a centre-right ideological tendency) to generate a new wide outlook that contemplate the rebirth of populist parties: Unidas Podemos y Sumar (both with an extreme-left ideology) and VOX (with an extreme-right ideology).

Concretely, this last one achieved such a big fame in the country, since its entry into the political landscape in 2018, at the Parlamento de Andalucía with twelve seats. Nowadays, VOX is the third party at the Congreso de los Diputados with thirty-three seats. Characterised by the media and polemical attitude, VOX is composed by scandals from its leaderships or affiliate entities, such as the syndicate Solidaridad. Even more, the party employs events as a propaganda tool: during the celebration of the festive-cultural spectacle VIVA ‘22: La Historia que hicimos juntos, the party’s leader, Santiago Abascal Conde, introduced the political program “España Decide”, complementary to the “Agenda España” with what VOX fights the Agenda 2030 boosted by the current National Government.

By this way, the main objective of this study is to introduce the event organization and the employment of the country History as a useful tool of political propaganda, not only for adults but also for children in every Spanish home. The methodology used is half-qualitative/half-qualitative, based on the Speech Analysis of different actors from VOX and on the Content Analysis for the items relative to the organization of the event and its advertising. All of this connected by the Spanish’s Culture, thanks to the videos and reels uploaded at the social media platforms Instagram and YouTube.

Keywords: politics, propaganda, events, history, Spain, communication


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How to Cite

MARTÍNEZ JIMÉNEZ, E. (2024). Español Political Propaganda and its cultural dissemination in Spain:: IVA ‘22 Festival. VOX España study case. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 11(20), 189–230.