History and ceremonial of Zoroastrianism


  • Enrique Somavilla




protocol, zoroastrianims, rite, religion


Zoroastrianism is uniquely important in the history of religions because of its links with the Western Abrahamic and Eastern Dharmic traditions. It can be accepted that Zoroastrianism was formed around 1600-1200 BC. C., depending on the sources used, in the northwestern region of Iran (Persia) by the prophet Zarathustra or Zoroaster, whose teachings were transcribed in what is known as the Avesta or Foundation. It is said that Zoroastrianism is one of the first monotheistic religions in the world, although Zoroastrianism can be considered as a henotheism, the belief in the existence of a main god but that he is not the only one who exists. It represents an attempt to unify, under the worship of a supreme god, of the common polytheistic religions in those times and therefore it preserves features of both currents. The number of the faithful has dropped significantly in recent centuries, but religion continues to be alive and well. Most followers of this religion are found in Iran and India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh among others. Also, in North America, Great Britain and Singapore.


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How to Cite

Somavilla, E. (2024). History and ceremonial of Zoroastrianism. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 11(20), 95–123. https://doi.org/10.5944/eeii.vol.11.n.20.2024.39570