Three terms of office and its protocol at the Parliament of Navarre

A descriptive analysis


  • Tomás MENA GARCÍA Parlamento de Navarra



Parliament of Navarre, stattistics, protocol, election campaign, advisor, cultural activities


The Parliament of Navarre has organized during three terms of office events that are described in this work by means of the statistical data collected in the protocol files. Some are linked to the institutional functions of the assembly and others promoted ex officio or at the request of a party, public or private, have a different nature and purpose. These activities have helped the people know more about the institution but have also distorted the citizen's perception of the chamber. The aim of this study is to describe the protocol evolution experienced in the last twelve years, the organizational changes caused, as well as the reasons that lead the governing bodies of the chamber to collaborate in actions of a different nature. In addition, the statistical data provide elements of judgment to make decisions about the protocol activity of the future.


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How to Cite

MENA GARCÍA, T. (2024). Three terms of office and its protocol at the Parliament of Navarre: A descriptive analysis . INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 11(20), 7–37.