Background and ceremonial of military marriages in Spain


  • Javier Eiroa Escalada Asociación de Comunicación, Relaciones Públicas y Protocolo de Córdoba (ACRP)
  • Juan José Bolivar Martín



Wedding, armed forces, ceremonial, etiquette


Our society usually has the need to externalize and solemnize the culminating moments of life, one of them marriage. There are numerous publications related to civil marriage, but those related to the military ones are very rare.

The Armed Forces have always been considered a special group but, as members of society, they are not alien to the changes that have occurred throughout the history of Spain.

This work addresses the singularities of military marriage. In the first part, this article analyzes the historical and normative evolution of the military marriage in Spain. In the second part, to frame the subject, the current applicable regulations on the matter are collected, considering the general aspects from the civil and ecclesiastical points of view and, specifically, the military sphere.

The paper will finish detailing and analysing the different moments in the protocol and in the specific ceremonial of a military wedding today.


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Author Biographies

Javier Eiroa Escalada, Asociación de Comunicación, Relaciones Públicas y Protocolo de Córdoba (ACRP)

Presidente de la Asociación de Comunicación, RRPP y Protocolo de Córdoba (ACRP), académico correspondiente de la Real Academia de Córdoba, jefe de protocolo de la Iltre. Sociedad Andaluza de Estudios Hstórico-Jurídicos y miembro del equipo de protocolo en la Comandancia de la Guardia Civil de Córdoba.

Juan José Bolivar Martín

Ingeniero en Organización Industrial por la Universidad de Zaragoza y Máster en dirección, organización y  producción de eventos corporativos e institucionales por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Experto en protocolo militar, miembro del Observatorio Profesional de Protocolo y Eventos (OPPE) y miembro de la Asociación de Comunicación, RRPP y Protocolo de Córdoba (ACRP).



How to Cite

Eiroa Escalada, J., & Bolivar Martín, J. J. (2021). Background and ceremonial of military marriages in Spain. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 8(15), 143–173.