Publicado el Vol. 10 Nº19 de la Revista Estudios Institucionales



Study of the evolution, ceremonial and protocol of the Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom and the powers of the Crown. Rafael Rabasco Ferreira 7-41
Pay Tribute to Roger de Lauria: Protocol and Custom. Mª José Martínez Martínez 43-69
The “tribute for mantillas”: a privilege of the Principality of Asturias within the framework of royal births. Ana María Lobeto Álvarez 71-85
Protocol, ceremonial and history of Buddhism. Enrique Somavilla 87-113
The Character Galleries: Award Law and Protocol. The example of the city of Manresa. Gloria Ballús Casóliva 115-149
The organizational adaptation of events due to COVID-19The case of the Princess of Asturias Awards. Álvaro Linares-Barrones, Jesús David Páez-Reina 151-167
Organization, ceremonial and protocol. The procession of the sword of Ferdinand III of Castile. Antonio Salado Herrera 169-203
The work of the communication office in the Institutions: The case of the House of HM the King. Maria Dolores García Fernández, Antonio Castillo-Esparcia 205-221
Religious hierarchical structures in the Greco-Roman cults of the Egyptian gods. Angel González and Arema 223-244
Funeral ceremonies: a view from soft power. Comparison of the Funerals of Elizabeth II of England, Benedict XVI and Constantine II of Greece. Paula Cocera Arias 245-286


The official international protocol. Julio Manuel Panizo Alonso, 2023.. Jose Manuel Mesa Göbel 287-289