The strengthening of Spain’s relations with Eastern Europe: the state visit to the socialist republic of Romania in 1985




International Relations, Eastern Europe, Spain, Romania, communism, democracy


After the death of the dictator Francisco Franco, Spain desired to put an end to the obstacles that the regime had imposed on the foreign policy. After the proclamation of Juan Carlos I as King, a program was started to achieve the normalization of the relationships with other states. Within this policy, there was a desire to improve their relations with the countries of the Eastern Bloc. In the case of Romania, the normalization of the diplomatic relations occurred in 1977 and two years later, Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu went to Spain. Throughout these pages we want to delve into the visit that Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofía made to Romania in 1985 with the aim of seeing when it occurred, what was intended, how the Romanian and Spanish media showed it, what the highest leaders of both countries spoke about and what effects it had.


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How to Cite

Fernández Amador, M., & Florin Tudorica, A. (2024). The strengthening of Spain’s relations with Eastern Europe: the state visit to the socialist republic of Romania in 1985. Historia del Presente, (43), 135–151.