The «quinta columna» of Mola y Ungría in catalonia. the «Círculo Azul» during Spanish Civil war


  • Francisco J. Leira-Castiñeira HISTAGRA-Universidade de Santiago de Compostela



Civil War, Fifth Column, Barcelona, Ungría, SIPM


Around the Fifth Column there is a cloak of ignorance and myth. It refers to those who helped the coup plotters while they were located in the territory controlled by the Republic. In reality, they played more of a propaganda role than a real one in the course of the civil war, with the exception of the certain role they may have played in Madrid. The case under study is that of
Catalonia, more specifically Barcelona, where the group known as the «Círculo Azul» (Blue Circle) was active, encompassing various groups that acted more or less autonomously. It can be seen, in the light of the documents found so far, that they mainly sent information and photographs of the situation in Barcelona. When they tried to develop some kind of subversive action, they failed. They probably, although it is not the subject of this article, had a greater influence on the repression after the conquest by the rebels, denouncing the Republican leaders. A sociological analysis of who made up this group will also be shown.


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How to Cite

J. Leira-Castiñeira, F. (2022). The «quinta columna» of Mola y Ungría in catalonia. the «Círculo Azul» during Spanish Civil war. Historia del Presente, (39), 115–131.