Gender-inclusive Language in the Translation and Interpretation Classroom for the Development of Translator Competence and Social and Educational Transference




For decades Spanish university equality plans as well as gender and translation studies have claimed that gender discrimination is perpetuated through language. In view of this consideration, a teaching innovation project was designed and implemented to include a gender approach in the translation and interpreting classroom in the Universidad de Córdoba, Spain. Two objectives were set: 1) to make students aware of gender biases in discourse and to enable them to learn the most common strategies of inclusive language in different languages (this knowledge becomes essential to address future professional projects with inclusive writing requirements); 2) to generate social transfer activities in which students themselves become agents of awareness of the use of gender-inclusive language. This paper describes two of the most notable activities of the project and their results: the preparation of a guideline of guidelines for the use of inclusive language in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish and the implementation of talks in local high schools to disseminate information on inclusive language. The first activity has allowed students to apply the different sub-competences of the translation competence to achieve a useful tool for translation and writing practitioners. The second has led to changes in the way in which inclusive language is conceived by the target learners and has increased their awareness of the importance of its use as a driver of social change.


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Author Biographies

María Luisa Rodríguez Muñoz, Universidad de Córdoba

María Luisa Rodríguez Muñoz holds a PhD in Languages and Cultures (University of Cordoba). She is a sworn translator-interpreter of English and a university expert in Immigration Law (University of Granada). She did a traineeship with the Immigration Department of the Central Government Office in Malaga (2003) and the Direction-General of Translation-EU Commission in Luxembourg (Oct-March 2003-2004). She was awarded a two-year scholarship in the Department of Tourism of the Andalusian Regional Government. She has collaborated as a transcriber and proofreader for the Bakun International Institute of Seville (2008-2009) in the projects Mujerrural, Ruraljoven and in a study of the needs and demands of women of other nationalities in Aljarafe-Doñana, Seville. Since 2009 she has worked as a full-time scholar lecturing intercultural translation and legal translation at the University of Cordoba. Her research lines are: didactics of sworn translation and translation of contemporary art. She is currently co-director of the journal Alfinge and assistant editor of the journal Panace@.

Carmen Expósito Castro, Universidad de Córdoba

Carmen Expósito Castro holds a PhD in Court Translation from the University of Cordoba. From 1992 to 2000, she was a translator, interpreter and Spanish proofreader in Strasbourg where she held a position at the Permanent Representation of Spain to the Council of Europe. In 2001 she worked in the Spanish Official Journal review team at the Publications Office of the European Union. From 2002 to 2010, she continued to work as a freelance translator and interpreter for private and public administration clients back in Cordoba. Since 2008 she has been a lecturer and researcher in translation and interpreting at the University of Cordoba. Her research lines focus on legal-judicial translation and interpreting and on the correct use of language in written and oral discourse, paying special attention to inclusive language. She is currently secretary of the journal Alfinge and assistant editor of the journal Transletters.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Muñoz, M. L., & Expósito Castro, C. (2023). Gender-inclusive Language in the Translation and Interpretation Classroom for the Development of Translator Competence and Social and Educational Transference. Epos : Revista de filología, (39), 294–319.