The ancestral and traditional ceremonies of the Wayúu ethnic group, a study through hits ceremonial and protocol


  • Leonardo Alberto Montaño Salas



protocol, ceremonial, ethnicity, cosmogony, rites


Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin, Barros, Cira, Navarro, Clotilde, Montiel Nemesio, Pocaterra, Jorge, Poleolefinas Internacionales(POLINTER), Petroquimica de Venezuela(PEQUIVEN)


“Wachuküa müsüka sain wanée a’laülaa joyotüsü spünalu’u ka’i katspüla skujainjatüin sukuwa ipa sumüin wachonyuu ée antüin skal’uu ka’kat”

(Text in "wayuunaiki”... language Wayúu)

[The tradition is like an old woman sitting in the road that has to the younger generations the experiences that she has lived].

Them Wayuu are people of sand, Sun and wind, carry in the moral of the desert, have resisted during centuries in the peninsula of the Guajira, are large craftsmen, and merchants, fighters tireless by their rights historical, that have been very violated by the discrimination and the racism.

Investigate in the World Magic and cosmogonic of an ethnic ancestral is enter is in a space full of wisdom and important knowledge, which not allows that the study of the ceremonial and the Protocol escape to this. The ethnic indigenous WAYUU, located in the space geographical of territory of 15,300 km2 within the Department of the Guajira, Colombia, and 12,000 km2 within the State Zulia, Venezuela, is an example important of the need of search in our estate questions that to simple view not seems have response. Because talk of ceremonial and Protocol in the ceremonies ancestral and traditional of the ethnic Wayuu? because all group human anthropologically has shown that their estate come of myths, which are transformed and staged in rites, these evolved to RITUAL that is developed in ceremonies, that with the step of the time is structured in CEREMONIAL and that were structured and regulated as base of what today call Protocol. In this way we were able to reach the primordial root of anthropological and scientific understanding of our knowledge Protocol. The Wayuu descendant of the Arawak ethnicity, almost relentlessly presents a series of ancient ceremonies based on matrilineal social structure (we can define the genealogically defined matrilineality Wayuu as a group of unilineal descent. These lineages have common element the ties of consanguinity, since all individuals in each group identify themselves as descendants of the same ancestors by female line) and without having undergone significant structural changes over the years, gives us a very successful vision of how we can after polar ceremonies to our academic knowledge of the current Protocol. The ceremonial structure of this ethnic group focuses on three specific social facts, puberty, the union of couple and in death. We know as a conductor and central axis of these ceremonies and what are the most important figures in it. Discover that, even if it does not exist in a formal way the use of terms "Protocol" action Protocol if same occurs, as the use of precedence, label, the organizing entity, etc.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Alberto Montaño Salas

Especialista en Protocolo y Ceremonial

Docente en Universidades e Institutos de Educacion Superior


Marco legal:

.- Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela

.- Ley Orgánica de Pueblos y Comunidades Indígenas (LOPCI) decretada el 8 de diciembre de 2005

.- Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Ministerio de Planificación, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

.- Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, Republica de Colombia.

Autores y textos consultados:

.- Arias, Hofelia. Los wayuu, una cultura del desierto.

.- Bejumea Brito, Paola: El otro último adiós de los wayuu. Mundo Wayuu.

.- Fernández, Manuel Ramón: JEPIRA: El lugar de las almas wayuu

.- Finol, José Enrique: Mito y cultura Guajira, Contribución a la semiótica del mito guajiro, LUZ, 2007

.- Fundación secretos para contar.

.- Hurtado Ruperto, Pocaterra Jorge. Aproximación a un estudio etnográfico de la Guajira. LUZ, FHyE, Maracaibo, Edo Zulia, 1987

.- Montiel Fernández, Nemesio. Los A`laûlaa y Compadres Wayuu. LUZ, Dirección de Cultura, 2006

.- Mora, Lola: Crónicas Wayuu, Fuerza de las mujeres Wayuu

.- Paz, Ramón: Mitos, leyendas y cuentos Guajiros, Instituto Agrario Nacional, Caracas, 1973

.- Pocaterra, Jorge: Los Wayuu, Odebrecht, 2009

.- Pocaterra, Jorge: Narraciones de los Abuelos Wayuu. MPPE, Venezuela, 2007



How to Cite

Montaño Salas, L. A. (2017). The ancestral and traditional ceremonies of the Wayúu ethnic group, a study through hits ceremonial and protocol. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 4(6), 165–178.


