Publicado el Vol. 10 Nº18 de la Revista Estudios Institucionales


The kings of arms: a palatine office. Jose Luis Marquez Fernandez

Chronology of the evolution of the protocol in the episcopal election and appointment. Mª del Carmen Portugal Good

The construction of the Argentine protocol identity. Marcela Barbaro

The influence of the Kingdom of Mallorca in the current protocol in Spain. Cristina Puig Alorda

Ceremonial and protocol to the death of Benedict XVI. Humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord. Enrique Somavilla

Z weddings: a social analysis of the preferences of the younger generation. Margarita Gil-Jerez, Belen Puebla Martinez

Positive reward sanctions and effective compliance with protocol rules. Fernando García-Mercadal and García-Loygorri

Protocol and ceremonial in three works by the painter Luis Paret y Alcázar. maria gomez requejo

Scientific research in higher education institutions and quality of life in Ecuador
Rafael Díaz Moya, Mr. D. Carlos Herrera, PhD.

Far right in Brazil. Analysis of his ideas and his supporters after the military dictatorship. Nilson Dias de Assis Neto.

Review The attacks of 11-M. Four days that changed the history of Spain. Fernando Ramos Fernandez.