Case study: Modeling for calculations and reduction of a quality cost in a small business


  • Jose Alves da Silva Neto Universidade de Taubaté
  • Giorgio Eugenio Oscare Giacaglia Universidade de Taubaté



Quality-costs, Optimal quality cost, Machining, Small size company


Quality Costs are given by conformity and non- conformity costs, beginning with the initial process or activity work, in order to provide a product or service, with a desired quality. Although large companies usually state the necessity of evaluating costs of quality, in several cases, stating their activity of quality costs evaluation, results are largely under – estimated. Small size companies, in most cases, don´t even have a quality management budget provision neither control their costs of quality. The objective of this article is to show how the implementation of a quality costs evaluation model, in a small size company. The methods used were bibliographical research and documentary, applied to a single case study with qualitative approach. The results showed that the quality costs were reduced by 76% in the first year. It was also concluded that the proposed model is perennial, leading to stability after several months of implantation, showing the scope of system maturity.


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How to Cite

Neto, J. A. da S. ., & Oscare Giacaglia, G. E. . (2017). Case study: Modeling for calculations and reduction of a quality cost in a small business. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica, 21(2), 55–71.




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