Measuring Conduct in the Spanish Air Transport Industry


  • Javier Gundelfinger Universidad de Cantabria
  • Pablo Coto-Millán Universidad de Cantabria



Airlines, oligopolistic competition, market structure, vertical differentiation


The purpose of this study is to analyze the domestic air transport industry in Spain. This work has focused on the segment of business and we present a theoretical model of oligopolistic competition which could be empirically tested through three equations: demand, market structure and price. We contribute to develop creativity and innovation with the elaboration of a data studying 113 over 96 fortnight periods (2011-2015) where analyses how clients react to both strategic changes carried out by airlines (frequencies, capacity, prices) and changes in socio-economic factors. The analysis is performed by applying the econometric technique of instrumental variables. We find that that frequency competition -Cournot- is more important than competition in prices  -Bertrand-.


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Author Biographies

Javier Gundelfinger, Universidad de Cantabria

Técnico en Transporte Aéreo. Gobierno de Cantabria (2006-Actualidad).

Doctorando en Economía por la Universidad de Cantabria. Líneas de Investigación; Economía Industrial y Economía del Transporte.

Pablo Coto-Millán, Universidad de Cantabria

Catedrático de Universidad de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico de la UC.

Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económcias y Empresariales de la Universidad de Cantabria. 

Director del Máster y Experto Universitario en Comercio, Transportes y Comunicaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Cantabria.




How to Cite

Gundelfinger, J., & Coto-Millán, P. (2018). Measuring Conduct in the Spanish Air Transport Industry. Revista de Evaluación de Programas y Políticas Públicas, 1(9), 26–46.