Memory, education and humanism in times of Stalin: «The Fencer» (2015), by Klaus Härö




Estonia, Historical memory, cinema, History and Stalinism


Following the dismantling of the USSR, many of the countries thereby constituted recovered their National History; a special case were the Baltic countries. A past marked by the effects of Stalin ́s re-occupation of said territories after Nazi rule. Thus, with regard to the relationship between History and cinema postulate by Marc Ferro, Robert Rosenstone or José María Caparrós Lera, this article takes a closer look at the analysis of the socio-historical keys of the film «The fencer» which shows the process followed by estonia society to take on this past and value those hard post-war years in Eastern Europe.


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How to Cite

Barrenetxea Marañón, I. (2019). Memory, education and humanism in times of Stalin: «The Fencer» (2015), by Klaus Härö. Historia del Presente, (33), 89–103.



The Past of the Present