"Triunfo" y la reivindicación de la identidad cultural española dentro de la modernidad, 1962-1976
The cultural magazine "Triunfo" played an essential role, between 1962 and 1975, in bringing about a "cultural transition", which made the "political transition" possible. By informing the Spanish public and by forming it from a progressive perspective Triunfo acted as a "parallel university" and filled many academic voids in Franco's Spain. The goal was to form a new anti-Franco avant-garde, which was misleadingly defined as anti-Spanish by its opponents. Studying the importance of its main contributors, mainly left-wing intellectuals, it will be analyzed how Triunfo tried to reclaim and (re)construct Spanish cultural identity in the context of Modernity, by showing the connections with Spain's own liberal and progressive tradition and by describing the development of this tradition in the rest of the Western world.
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